Geocacheando el mundo

Actualidad y debate sobre geocaching

Foro Spain de groundspeak

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Official Blog

The Official Blog of Geocaching
  • Have you wanted to create an Adventure, but didn’t have a credit? The wait is over! On July 23, 2024, Geocaching HQ released a new self-service portal for credit distribution, enabling Premium members to receive Adventure builder credits through the Adventure Lab® app. Criteria to qualify for a credit: Active Premium membership No available builder...

  • Traditional Cache GC8EQ56 by KoplaKopo Difficulty: 2 Terrain: 2 Location: Finland N 60° 21.927 E 025° 07.780 Have you ever wanted to visit Geocaching HQ but just couldn’t make it out to Seattle? One Finnish geocacher has just the solution! With this adorable geocache, you’ll get a taste of HQ in Finland. Maybe you’ll even...

  • Estamos encantados de volver a conectar con Marcellus Cadd (atreides) de Geocaching While Black, ¡justo a tiempo para el nuevo desafío de geocaching, Cosmic Quest! Marcellus nos cuenta su estrategia para maximizar la recogida de combustible, su signo del zodiaco para el geocaching, si cree en los extraterrestres y mucho más. Geocaching HQ: ¿Qué has...